Pregnancy testing and counseling, with a focus on each individual’s reproductive life plan, are an essential part of our services here at Laramie Reproductive Health. If the test is positive, a full array of options will be presented and your provider will work with you and your needs. If the test is negative, preconception counseling, infertility counseling, or contraceptive/preventative options can be discussed between you and your provider.
Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy
The most common signs of pregnancy may include the following symptoms:
- Missed Period– If you’re a week or more late for an expected start of a menstrual cycle, you may be pregnant. However, it is important to take into account that this may be misleading if you experience irregular periods.
- Swollen and/or Tender Breasts– Due to hormonal changes in early pregnancy, your breasts may become sensitive and sore. This discomfort typically decreases after a few weeks as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes.
- Nausea and Vomiting– Usually known as morning sickness, despite it occurring at anytime of day or night, typically begins one or two months after becoming pregnant. Some individuals may feel nausea earlier, or may not experience it at all.
- Increased Urination– Due to the increased amount of blood in your body during pregnancy, your kidneys will begin to process the extra fluid that ends up in your bladder. It is because of this, that you may find yourself urinating more frequently.
- Fatigue– The higher levels of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy may contribute to the increase of sleepiness during the first trimester of pregnancy. While it isn’t certain why, it is still a common early sign of pregnancy.
Other Possible Signs and Symptoms
Some less obvious signs and symptoms of pregnancy that you might experience include:
- Moodiness or Irritability– With the rapid increase of hormones in your body, it’s common for individuals to experience mood swings and intense emotions.
- Food Aversion– If pregnant, you might become much more sensitive to certain odors and your sense of taste might also change. These symptoms are also likely due to the hormonal changes.
- Bloating– Similar to how you might feel at the start of a menstrual cycle, hormonal changes can cause you to feel bloated.
- Cramping– Some individuals experience mild uterine cramping during early pregnancy.
- Light Spotting/Implantation Bleeding- After 10 to 14 days after conception, a fertilized egg will attach to the uterine lining. Some light infrequent bleeding may occur when you expect your menstrual cycle to begin, however not all individuals experience this.
- Constipation– Your digestive system slows down due to the hormonal changes, which can lead to some individuals to experience constipation.
It’s important to keep in mind that these symptoms are not unique to pregnancy. Some may indicate that you’re ill or that your period is about to start. It can also be possible to be pregnant without experiencing a majority of these symptoms. It’s recommended that if you are late for your period and experiencing the above symptoms, you take a pregnancy test. If an at home test is positive, make an appointment with a provider. The sooner your test results are confirmed the sooner you can receive the appropriate care.